Occupational Health and Safety Advice
with a Difference

A good safety consultant should be someone with the skill to provide you with value. To understand your business. To have the sense to keep it simple and the desire to exceed your expectations. You don’t buy shoes without trying them on. I don’t throw generic, ill fitting safety advice at you either. I will take real interest in your business and make sure what I provide is relevant.
What is my value to you?
Every client’s business is different, so I need to understand your context. Every safety problem or challenge is unique and must be treated that way. Sure, I sometimes use or adapt generic resources. But what you want is something right for you. You are in business to provide a product or service in a competitive world. The last thing you need is to pay for ill-fitting safety advice.
The SafetyPro approach is personal, professional, friendly and knowledgeable.
What services can I provide?
- Safety advice to build a neat health and safety system that complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. My resources are based on NZS4801 and the recently discontinued ACC Audit Standard up to and including Tertiary level. I am updating my materials and resources too, as details of ISO 45001 become finalised.
- Provide practical training for your team in any subject related to Health and Safety.
- Audit your safety management system against applicable standards and provide targeted safety advice to improve it. You will receive a prioritised and illustrated report in a simple format, so you know exactly what to do.
- Project manage and facilitate in-house building of safety management systems, using a provided step-by-step Implementation Plan. It’s set out in easy, logical steps, big things first, detail last, just like building a house. I’ve been there, done that, so you ought to benefit from the experience.
Call or email me today on 0800 000 267 or simon@safetypro.co.nz.
Got a safety problem?
What about some short term safety advice?
Sometimes managing your safety management system or just solving a short term problem can look very daunting. I come across a number of organisations where it’s all become “too hard”. Often, they just need a simple solution or a “hand up” to get moving again. Ever considered hiring in some external problem solving on a short term basis? It can be a cost effective and highly practical solution.
- Staff member away or moved on? I can help your staff focus on the critical few actions until the gap is closed again.
- Can’t get everything ready for audit? I’ve completed more than 450 audits. I know how to pull the rabbit out of the hat.
- Lost your way? I can slim your system, re-focus on the critical stuff and dig you out.
- Left holding a lemon? You might be surprised how simple it can be to put things straight.
Call or email me today on 0800 000 267 or simon@safetypro.co.nz
Why employ a consultant?
Quite simply, you shouldn’t, unless they can satisfy the following criteria:
- Relevant and extended experience in the subject area.
- Their safety advice is based upon appropriate training and qualifications.
- A track record and client testimonials. Check out my client list.
- Professional standards and code of ethics.
I have the experience to keep health and safety nice and simple and provide your business with value.
Call or email me today on 0800 000 267 or simon@safetypro.co.nz