People often ask what safety management systems are. Think of cars, which have systems working together, including the engine, brakes, fuel and hydraulics. The purpose of a car is to give people mobility, but they also
need a driver and a mechanic now and then to keep them running.
Acts, Regulations, Codes and Standards tell you what the outcomes must be. But they say little about the “how to”. If we want to implement and manage workplace safety management systems, we also need to make key things happen routinely. Commonly, these include systems to identify and manage risks to people and property. To ensure employees are trained and supervised. To report accidents, correct deficiencies, deal with emergencies and participate with employees.
It also helps to have continuous improvement through reviews and planning. This is to keep the safety management systems, (the “vehicle”), maintained and up to date.
What makes a good safety management system?
Anyone can sell you a big manual. But safety management systems should be a whole package of tools. In fact, manuals are just part of what safety management systems should contain.
An unopened manual on a shelf is like a car in a garage with no driver. We package value into our safety management systems, instead of leaving you to flounder.
What is that special value?
Both our safety management systems have one thing in common – they come as a whole package that allow you to get your system “on the road” and maintain it too. You do get a Manual, of course, but there’s much more.
What you get
- A step by step Implementation Plan, to guide you from start to finish
- A method for recording and reporting accident trends
- Ways to prompt a course of action when an event happens
- A diarised plan for reviewing and maintaining the system
- Sample Safety Policy Statement and Induction Booklet.
- Templates for all necessary records
- Reminder systems for routine tasks and system maintenance
- Customising ability
We have two key safety management systems. You decide, depending on the standard you want to achieve and preferences. Consider the risks of your type of work, and whether you prefer “document” based or computer based systems.
1. SafetyBase Cloud Based System

- You want a system that is up to date with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
- You want something that keeps you in line with latest standards such as NZS4801 and the upcoming ISO/DIS 45001
- You need to save time compared with managing paper documents
- You prefer interactive safety management systems with reports, automatic prompts and a task system
- You are comfortable with the Cloud and computer applications
- You want to connect multiple locations in your organisation
- You would like a customisable version, so your forms can be personalised
- You may want to integrate environmental and/or quality management into one system – EQHS (optional)
2. SafetyPack suite

Choose SafetyPack if any of the following are true:
- You want a system that is up to date with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
- You have a small to medium sized business
- You have only a few locations, so visibility of data and documents is not an issue
- You can readily organise Word and Excel documents
- You may want to integrate environmental and/or quality management into one system – EQHS (optional)